1 episode
Kai thinks he's just a normal human being like all the other students in his class. But then he realizes how wrong he was. People he trusted, lied to him all of his life. Someone he thought was dead, turned out to be alive.
He felt so betrayed.
Stuff he thought were just legends and fairytales, turned out to be all true.
It all was too overwhelming.
He tried to run away cause he couldn't handle that much at once. But with the right, not so usual people by his side, he learns how to accept the truth.
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Kai thinks he's just a normal human being like all the other students in his class. But then he realizes how wrong he was. People he trusted, lied to him all of his life. Someone he thought was dead, turned out to be alive.
He felt so betrayed.
Stuff he thought were just legends and fairytales, turned out to be all true.
It all was too overwhelming.
He tried to run away cause he couldn't handle that much at once. But with the right, not so usual people by his side, he learns how to accept the truth.
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