I yawned widely as I covered myself with my fluffy blanket, getting ready to sleep.
"Night mumsey."
"Night hun" she replied, kissing my forehead.
I frowned and was just about to pull back when she did with her own frown on her gentle face.
I raised a brow. Why she looking at me like dat. "What?"
She placed the back of her hand on my forehead. "You're a bit warm. How do you feel?" She asked.
I shrugged. "Fine...? Pretty normal, I guess."
I didn't lie. I do feel okay. Really. Maybe a bit hazy. But I don't think it's something that I need to worry Mum about.
So I brushed it off.
"Don't worry Ma, go to sleep."
I tried to reassure her that I'm fine, but she was a bit reluctant. Typical her.
"I'll go get some medicine."
"Mum! I'm fiiine" I whined, starting to feel a bit grumpy.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeees" I drawled.
After reassuring her again and again that I'm okay, she was finally convinced enough and went to sleep. Not before making me promise that I'll come to her if something's wrong though.
I didn't feel like I was about to pass out or anything. But her, worrying about me, made me feel a bit restless. Mum's gut feelings are rarely wrong.
"Nothing's wrong. You're just being a bit paranoid" I tried to convince myself. But it didn't help much. Cause when Mom was worried, usually a day after I become sick.
I don't know if it's just from the expectation or it really has something to do with her.
Eventually, I managed to fall asleep. But it wasn't a really peaceful sleep though. That night was laced with weird dreams that were covered by a heavy mist, making everything a blurry experience.
I woke up without remembering a thing except mist, which was weird cause it never happened before. But I didn't give it too much thought. There was a first time for everything afterall..
I yawned and stretched --best combination there is if you ask me-- and sat up, ready to get out of bed despite my body's reluctancy.
Yes.. my brain told me to go back to sleep, but then he remembered that we're gonna see our best friend at school, and that in a few more weeks, it's going to be the end of school. Forever. Yay! (Little did he know...)
I can't wait.
With those thoughts going back and forth in my brain, I got too much motivation but was overly excited that I put soap instead of toothpaste on my tooth brush.
Let me tell you, that was a not fun experience.
I went down the stairs two at a time, and when I reached the final three, I jumped over them together.
Mother was not happy.
"Yes Ma'am?" I side passed her and swiftly slid into the kitchen.
"What's with this hyperactivity today?" She asked, leaning on the counter.
"Just remembered that I'm done with school in a few long days. It's like I got caffeine injected directly to my freakin' veins and it's now running in my bloodstream.."
I trailed off, blubbering about what not and the poor woman needed to listen to me.
And she did so with a smile on her beautiful face. Chuckles and small laughters escaped from her mouth when I made a joke or just said something funny.
She listened to me as she was making breakfast to herself while I made mine.
She listened to me until she needed to kick my ass out of the house so I won't be late to school.
After ten minutes of normal pace walk, I finally made my way past the school gates.
"Wassap Cody?!" I yelled to the guard on my left.
*PAUSE* Story Time BAY-BEH
The first few times that I greeted him -when I was new here– he didn't even bother looking at my direction or acknowledging me. But I didn't take offence, telling myself time and time again that he just took his job a little too seriously. And maybe he's not used to getting greeted by people.
He is a kinda scaring human afterall...
But I don't judge. Try no to.
And... I never gave up. I greeted him every, single, day, until he finally looked down, (yes, I'm so much shorter than him) acknowledging my presence. Then it turned into a smile, a small wave, and then he actually greeted me back and even ruffled my hair sometimes. And since then, for the past two years, it's the same everyday.
"What's up little man" he said. Or asked. I donno. It always sound more said than asked but; The main thing is the intention.
"Good. Take care!" I yelled and waved, turning around so I could see where I was walking.
"You too" he yelled back and I smiled. Seeing this tough guard smiling was heartwarming, especially because I am the one who caused this. He had a gorgeous, bright smile and needed to smile more. People would definitely approach him more often if he would. I just know it.
Kai thinks he's just a normal human being like all the other students in his class. But then he realizes how wrong he was. People he trusted, lied to him all of his life. Someone he thought was dead, turned out to be alive.
He felt so betrayed.
Stuff he thought were just legends and fairytales, turned out to be all true.
It all was too overwhelming.
He tried to run away cause he couldn't handle that much at once. But with the right, not so usual people by his side, he learns how to accept the truth.
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