10 episodes
Episode 1
Ch 1: Pale Intruder (Part 1)
Oct 31, 20171k views
Episode 2
Ch 1: Pale Intruder (Part 2)
Oct 31, 2017350 views
Episode 3
Ch 2: Inappropriate Adjectives (Part 1)
Nov 01, 2017195 views
Episode 4
Ch 2: Inappropriate Adjectives (Part 2)
Nov 01, 2017185 views
Episode 5
Ch 3: Bubble Mix and Roses (Part 1)
Nov 29, 2017179 views
Episode 6
Ch 3: Bubble Mix and Roses (Part 2)
Nov 29, 2017257 views
Episode 7
Ch 4: Chewing Teapots (Part 1)
Feb 19, 2019150 views
Episode 8
Ch 4: Chewing Teapots (Part 2)
Feb 19, 2019259 views
Episode 9
Ch 5: Boyish Frills (Part 1)
May 14, 2019181 views
Episode 10
Ch 5: Boyish Frills (Part 2)
May 14, 2019300 views
Ace is mistaken for his great great grandmother, Alice, by a new generation of Wonderlanders who seek the long-dead Alice's help once again.
Going along for the ride out of sheer curiosity and boredom, Ace finds himself babysitting a child accused of murder while an obsessed cat stalks him.
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Ace is mistaken for his great great grandmother, Alice, by a new generation of Wonderlanders who seek the long-dead Alice's help once again.
Going along for the ride out of sheer curiosity and boredom, Ace finds himself babysitting a child accused of murder while an obsessed cat stalks him.
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More by the creator
BETA Zoo Academy
Comic Comedy 8.9k likes
Fans also read
What Makes a Monster
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Frej Rising
Novel LGBTQ+ 2.6k likes
Fans also read
Blood Moon
Novel BL 46.8k likes
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Spirits and Crowns
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The Sum of our Parts
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