53 episodes
Episode 1
Prologue.1. The madman
Jan 11, 202577 views
Episode 2
Prologue.2. The madman
Jan 11, 202535 views
Episode 3
Prologue.3. The madman
Jan 11, 202523 views
Episode 4
Prologue.4. The madman
Jan 11, 202527 views
Episode 5
1.1. The Tiger and the Dragon
Jan 11, 202557 views
Episode 6
1.2. The Tiger and the Dragon
Jan 11, 202558 views
Episode 7
2. The fox
Jan 11, 202564 views
Episode 8
3.1. Shinju
Jan 11, 202554 views
Episode 9
3.2. Shinju
Jan 11, 202547 views
Episode 10
4.1. A temporary peace
Jan 11, 202551 views
Episode 11
4.2. A temporary peace
Jan 11, 202545 views
Episode 12
5. Beautiful poems, flowing sleeves
Jan 11, 202550 views
Episode 13
6.1. Symmetry
Jan 11, 202549 views
Episode 14
6.2. Symmetry
Jan 12, 202546 views
Episode 15
6.3. Symmetry
Jan 12, 202547 views
Episode 16
7. Doubts
Jan 12, 202541 views
Episode 17
8.1 The broken world
Jan 12, 202549 views
Episode 18
8.2 The broken world
Jan 12, 202542 views
Episode 19
9.1. Miracles and dragons
Jan 12, 202543 views
Episode 20
9.2. Miracles and dragons
Jan 12, 202544 views
As children, we all want to believe in dragons, magic, and doors to other worlds. And we want to believe that a world brimming with cruelty and injustice can be fixed. But as we grow older, we learn to smirk at the mention of miracles, much like we’d dismiss someone who genuinely dreams of making people happy…
For centuries, the Middle Kingdoms have been at odds. The Tiger Kingdom is preparing to attack the Dragon Kingdom. General Gerel sets off on a diplomatic mission to the Dragon Kingdom to gather intelligence on their future enemy. But meeting Yukinari, the emperor of the Dragon Kingdom, turns his worldview upside down. Gerel recalls the ideals he held as a child, before his heart hardened. Could it truly be his destiny to fight this extraordinary man?
Feel free to point out any errors, typos, or stylistic flaws. Also, English is not my first language.
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As children, we all want to believe in dragons, magic, and doors to other worlds. And we want to believe that a world brimming with cruelty and injustice can be fixed. But as we grow older, we learn to smirk at the mention of miracles, much like we’d dismiss someone who genuinely dreams of making people happy…
For centuries, the Middle Kingdoms have been at odds. The Tiger Kingdom is preparing to attack the Dragon Kingdom. General Gerel sets off on a diplomatic mission to the Dragon Kingdom to gather intelligence on their future enemy. But meeting Yukinari, the emperor of the Dragon Kingdom, turns his worldview upside down. Gerel recalls the ideals he held as a child, before his heart hardened. Could it truly be his destiny to fight this extraordinary man?
Feel free to point out any errors, typos, or stylistic flaws. Also, English is not my first language.
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