The Longest Spring Break in NonHuman History
23 episodes
Episode 1
Aug 01, 2020673 views
Episode 2
Dear Ms. Renaldi
Aug 01, 2020290 views
Episode 3
Day 1: Whispering Like An Excited Five-Year-Old
Aug 01, 2020228 views
Episode 4
Day 1 (cont.): A Buck Sitting on a Toilet & Other Absurdities
Aug 01, 2020182 views
Episode 5
Day 2: Not Your Run-of-the-Mill Dateline Kidnapping
Aug 02, 2020168 views
Episode 6
Day 2 (cont.): Poorly Done Star Wars Gender Swap
Aug 02, 2020150 views
Episode 7
Day 3: James Bond Meets Lanky Teenage Boy
Aug 03, 2020133 views
Episode 8
Day 3 (cont.): From an Unfortunate Caterpillar to a Lovely Monarch (pt 1)
Aug 04, 2020147 views
Episode 9
Day 3 (cont.): From an Unfortunate Caterpillar to Lovely Monarch (pt. 2)
Aug 05, 2020145 views
Episode 10
Day 3 (cont.): It's a Freakin' Castle
Aug 06, 2020160 views
Episode 11
Day 3 (cont.): The First Time I Threw Someone off a Building (pt. 1)
Aug 07, 2020136 views
Episode 12
Day 3 (cont.): The First Time I Threw Someone off a Building (pt. 2)
Aug 08, 2020146 views
Episode 13
Day 3 (the firey ending): Spanish Bullfight 200 Feet off the Ground
Aug 09, 2020149 views
Episode 14
Day 4: Club Jackaninny
Aug 10, 2020120 views
Episode 15
Day 4(cont.): Cookies-and-Fun Type
Aug 14, 2020122 views
Episode 16
Day 4 (cont.): Stock Photo Villian
Aug 21, 2020131 views
Episode 17
Day 4 (cont.): A Typical, Narcissistic Teenager
Aug 24, 2020125 views
Episode 18
Day 4 (cont.): A 70% Chance of Regret (pt. 1)
Aug 28, 2020127 views
Episode 19
Day 4 (cont.): A 70% Chance of Regret (pt. 2)
Aug 31, 2020126 views
Episode 20
Day 5: Acne Scars & Other Marks of the Devil
Sep 04, 2020116 views
Every night before bed, Gwyndolyn used to listen raptly as her aunt read spectacular tales about a secret realm filled with magic and wonder. But, eventually, life taught Gwyn the difference between "magic" and physics.
Or, it did, until Gwyn is kidnapped on a school trip and transported to the same magical world she's been reading about for the last fifteen years. There, she discovers that her dead mother is still very much alive and that people are actively trying to kill Gwyn. (You win some; you lose some.)
Her Southern upbringing definitely did NOT prepare her for this. With the help of a sadistic old man, a scary pregnant lady, a flying boy, and an incompetent spy-in-training, Gwyn must figure out how to get home before something truly terrible happens: she misses school.
"I'm think there's someone actively trying to ruin my life."
He smirked. "Are you talking about me?"
"No," I corrected, not wanting to give him the satisfaction. "I mean, you might be trying, but I think someone else is actually succeeding."
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Every night before bed, Gwyndolyn used to listen raptly as her aunt read spectacular tales about a secret realm filled with magic and wonder. But, eventually, life taught Gwyn the difference between "magic" and physics.
Or, it did, until Gwyn is kidnapped on a school trip and transported to the same magical world she's been reading about for the last fifteen years. There, she discovers that her dead mother is still very much alive and that people are actively trying to kill Gwyn. (You win some; you lose some.)
Her Southern upbringing definitely did NOT prepare her for this. With the help of a sadistic old man, a scary pregnant lady, a flying boy, and an incompetent spy-in-training, Gwyn must figure out how to get home before something truly terrible happens: she misses school.
"I'm think there's someone actively trying to ruin my life."
He smirked. "Are you talking about me?"
"No," I corrected, not wanting to give him the satisfaction. "I mean, you might be trying, but I think someone else is actually succeeding."
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