2 episodes
Calistana Selimente, the daughter of a duke and the most powerful mage in history dreamed about her future. It was a horrible future where her fiancé, Crown Prince Rido Lynxton had found another person to love. The daughter of a poor baron, Helen Derdrew. Rido left Calistana with her one sided love for him, and eventually, Calistana was driven to do all sorts of things to gain back his attention, but none of it mattered. Calistanas last attempt to get his love back was trying to kill Helen. She didn’t succeed though, Rido jumped in to save Helen and she was now placed in a situation where it was her or Rido. So she let him kill her, and that was the end for Calistana. Now that Calistana knows the future, she decided running away to the countryside was the best option for her. Leaving behind her name and starting all over again was the only idea she could think of since her and Ridos engagement was already set in place, to happen after he saves her. Will Calistana live a peaceful life in the countryside as “Calis Selmen” or will fate drag her back to her horrible future?
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Calistana Selimente, the daughter of a duke and the most powerful mage in history dreamed about her future. It was a horrible future where her fiancé, Crown Prince Rido Lynxton had found another person to love. The daughter of a poor baron, Helen Derdrew. Rido left Calistana with her one sided love for him, and eventually, Calistana was driven to do all sorts of things to gain back his attention, but none of it mattered. Calistanas last attempt to get his love back was trying to kill Helen. She didn’t succeed though, Rido jumped in to save Helen and she was now placed in a situation where it was her or Rido. So she let him kill her, and that was the end for Calistana. Now that Calistana knows the future, she decided running away to the countryside was the best option for her. Leaving behind her name and starting all over again was the only idea she could think of since her and Ridos engagement was already set in place, to happen after he saves her. Will Calistana live a peaceful life in the countryside as “Calis Selmen” or will fate drag her back to her horrible future?
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