Joined May 2016
Caught between the moon and New York City
I'm a 19 year old trans girl who's just sort of struggling to exist properly. Primarily an aspiring musician, but I'd love to get into visual art more and hone my skills!
Thank you for having subscribed to The Witch Journals! I never imagined I would get so much support, and it really means a lot to me. Thank you so much for joining Sam on her adventures!
Yeah, like, I actually just started trying to put up a comic today - and I don't have any fancy art stuff so literally all I can do is draw and scan - and I figured everyone who read it would hate it
Don't worry! It's the same for me! I'm still getting used to digital art, I'm more used to traditional art honestly! ^ u ^ And I agree! When I first started I didn't think I'd gain any subs... I gained 3 over night all with positive comments. Still confuses me, but tap is such a wonderful community! I've improved so much since I've found it, I think. ;; >w<
I just hope that through this I can improve (and maybe eventually figure out a way to get my art up without having to fight Tap about the max image width)
Absolutely! Tapas is really good for that. >w<)b Sorry for the late reply, btw. I had to go to sleep, and then was out and about from 9 am until now. = w =