Eek! I managed to post the first part of Chapter 15 with a big chunk missing! It's all fixed now, but if you've already read it, you probably should go back and read the section that had been missing. What was originally posted doesn't make sense without it!
The new section begins with "Kai rubbed his hands through his hair and then looked up again."
If I Never Saw the Sun is 27 chapters and an epilogue long, which means we've arrived at the novel's midpoint. Everything is a mess but a little tidying is starting, as things are at the midpoint of novels.
Do you ever think about what the midpoint of the story of your life would be? I do. And I hope I've already gotten past it because if that wasn't the worst things are going to get, I've got suffering to do yet.
But enough doldrums! Thank you again for reading. Comments and questions are welcome, even if they're just about random stuff. I'd like to know a lil bit about you.
The graphic is something silly I did on Instagram.
What has happened??!! Yesterday, my subscriptions SURGED, putting me over 100, and they're still rolling in. I'm grateful and flattered, don't get me wrong, but where did you all come from? The sudden influx has me floored!
Thank you for reading If I Never Saw the Sun. I love comments and questions, so fire away if you have them.
I've said I'll do something special once I reach 100 subscribers. I will, and it won't be another one of my cheesy graphics!
Hello, subscribers both old and new! I'm so pleased you're here. Happy New Year!
Just a quick announcement: I've updated my English-to-American glossary for If I Never Saw the Sun. The new words are cuppa, elevenses, loo, and nick. The whole glossary is at my Patreon as free content:
Oh my, If I Never Saw the Sun is a Staff Pick... again!
It's just what my gifted child heart desires: Validation!
My thanks to all of you subscribers and my other readers! Please give If I Never Saw the Sun some likes--and subscribe so I can start earning from this bloody thing.
The new year is almost upon us, and that means that I'm second-guessing myself! I'm making some changes in the novel's scheduling. Each chapter will now be divided into only two episodes, so readers will get more story with each update. This also means the book will be completely posted sooner! It's a finished novel, so you don't have to worry about being left hanging.
For a brief, stunning moment last week, If I Never Saw the Sun was the #1 drama novel on Tapas Community, so thank you for reading!
Want to know some of the history behind the setting of If I Never Saw the Sun? I wrote a quick summary about the Manchester post-punk scene in the late '70s and early '80s.
I've made and English-to-American glossary for If I Never Saw the Sun for those who are scratching their heads at phrases like "skiving off" and words like "swot." Check it out on my Patreon (it's free content)! If you're interested in my cultural annotations for If I Never Saw the Sun, they're unlocked at my basic tier, only $2 a month!
Wow, I'm so excited that If I Never Saw the Sun was selected as a Staff Pick! Thank you to all who have liked and subscribed so far. I'd love to get to 100 subscribers, so please tell your friends if you think they'll like it! I'll think up something special to do if I get there.