I was reading through Embers of Hope just now for about 20 minutes straight (don't ask me why)...I fell in love with the story all over again. From meeting Alia, to Baron's first reaction to meeting Aurora, and to Mira and Zephyr adopting Olivia...my characters are so lovable 😭 I wish Embers of Hope was more popular! Sure, Mira can't beat Auriella's level of cool or a literal DOG in cuteness, but you'll find that my girl has her own kind of strength and compassion if people would give her a chance! 👉👈
Thanks to Bella, I can do a Q&A now! I might wait to post the answers (maybe a week, or should I save them for Inksgiving?) just in case anyone else has some questions they'd like to ask! I'll do shout-outs for those who do ask questions! And they don't have to necessarily be for the characters either. If you're curious about the world, how certain things work like hierarchy or whatever, feel free to ask them! I can't wait to see if anyone participates this time 🤓
Lol thank you for the questions, Bella! Honestly, you've given me a good excuse to not write so I can work on these 😆 Though I technically already used that excuse making a Inksgiving event "novel" thing (basically a separate work just for Inksgiving stuff) 👉👈 oh well!
Yoooooo! We just surpassed 100k words!!! This has been a long journey, and this milestone really cements the fact that *drum roll, please* 🤓 we're on our way to the final arc, the confrontation between the Voidkin and the armies of Naverra, Amanara, and Miravia! It's gonna be epic, or...at least, I hope I can deliver on that 😅 So big thank you to everyone who has supported me so far on this journey and I hope you look forward to the latest chapter that drops at 10 AM CST 💝
Sometimes, being creative is a curse lol I've got TWO new projects on my mind before I've even finished one of my three current ones! But, zombies...cyberpunk...they'd be soooo fun to write 😣 maaaan, somebody take these ideas from me please! (I mean, not really but also...I kinda do?) 😂 Sorry for the mini rant, but I just couldn't believe my own audacity and had to throw this out there 😖
Me too, I know I can’t get them all done alone, so I’ll have to get some help somehow (like maybe collaborating with other artists) to finish these projects.
I think it's awesome! Of course, finish what you started but don't deny the creativity! Just take your time and pace yourself :) I look forward to what you come up with, Aero! :)
Got a new chapter ready and scheduled for Dog Familiar! Hope you look forward to it! It's a slow chapter imo but it feels necessary to speak on the emotions Kai left behind! But, uh...if it doesn't hit that well, let's just blame it on the lemon wedge sized bump on the back of my head 😂 It's a scary and painful bugger right now but I'm okay (I think?) Just hit my head hard on a tv while cleaning the house today lol I hate being so unlucky 😖
I've been trying to write the next chapter for Dog Familiar for a day or two now, but I keep getting distracted trying to design a character card of sorts for Plüe 😂 Every one I see is just so wrong and it's kinda infuriating lol I can't make a Waldkin Pixie that I'm satisfied with and it's driving me crazy 🙃