Congrats! That's so awesome! But I have a question: How are you able to be on Kindle Unlimited and Tapas? I thought you had to pull your book from free sites like Tapas in order to be part of Kindle Unlimited.
Hello! Thanks! You may retain 10% of your book on other platforms, and that was why if you look through my episodes, episodes 8 onwards (to the end of Book 1). I just left behind the chapters so I would not lose the comments, and so it would be easier for me to copy and paste should I decide to not renew KU later. Unlike other platforms, Tapas does not have unpublish/hide so that's my best remedy. My book 2 will be live on March 28 so I'd also be deleting the contents of before that. You should do the same with your book. You'll get more with KU than with orders. Anyway, it's only for 90 days.
Thank you so much for explaining that! I was wanting to put my book on KU but didn't want to lose the progress I'd made on Tapas. I will definitely follow your example. Thanks again, this helps a ton!
Hey! How have you been! I've been on hiatus for a while because of my eye problem. Thanks! That ranking won't last though. Someone just happened to give me lots of likes while reading. Your book is doing great as well. Hope there will be another tournament where we can both join haha. Merry Christmas to you!
Hi I just carved Xepholen from Infinite Strike into a Pumpkin! I hope you like it. It's part of a supporter shoutout special. If you're interested in seeing the other Pumpkins click here to check out the episode ^^
Descension will not be available for the moment. I have to fix some issues first regarding the use of AI images. I did get the license to use the image, however, the moderator says it's against policy regardless so I have to abide by the rules.
Descension will be back online ASAP.
Thank you!
Just hit the 100 sub milestone. Thank you to everyone who subscribed to my first novel on Tapas. It's great being here. Creators here are very supportive of each other. It's a very pleasant community.
To the readers, I hope you're enjoying reading. Please pardon the grammatical errors or misuse of words. This poor author is not a native English speaker and cannot afford a proofreader/editor.
Thank you again!