Student, part-time job freelancer and a fan of old movies and classic literature. I like to experiment with digital art in my free time, while brewing beer and stories.
I'm feel obligated to update you guys about recent events.
My life has changed a lot over the last few months. I packed my suitcases - moved abroad and planted myself in the big city. Recently, I started a good, interesting, new job. My new career is very demanding and requires a lot of energy and time.
Only now, after several weeks have passed, I'm able to focus. This is the reason why the comic production was a bit hectic and slow. I'm struggling to find spare time since I'm totally tired when I finally come back home.
But making the comic and drawing fill me with energy - so I decided to wake up at 05:00 AM in the morning (still darkness here) and working on it for an hour and half each day, since two weeks ago. Still, I'll need some extra time to finish and polish the third chapter. I'm still adjusting, so maybe the comic will have some delays. I hope that you'll have patience and enjoy it nonetheless.
Just had to do it.
It's been over a year - and a lot had happened!
Over the last year both art and story improved quite a bit. I'm very happy about the third chapter which is going to be both fun and action-packed (well, only for some characters). It's going to take a while - but hang in there - and thank you all!
Hi there! How is your new year so far?
I hope you had some fun time during vacation/holiday.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the readers and the supporters (we're over 100 subscribers already)! Every like and comment is touching, I really appreciate it.
Do you like the refreshing new icon for the series? - It is Ralph this time around!
Since this chapter is being told from his perspective, I like the idea of having him as a thumbnail. Is he going to get into a crazy mode soon? Maybe :)
Meanwhile, here is some concept art for the next chapter:
We're already halfway into the second chapter, I know it may be a bit slow but I strive to make the best art (and story) I can. Each page takes 7-10 hours to complete. At the same time, I'm trying to keep it up with all the other commitments. This is why I want to thank every follower and reader! Your support for the comic motivates me to continue updating.
So here is an extra picture of Naya (and let's have a calm week for a change).