Hi there! I'm -Kay-, an Art student from Madrid
I've been planning on doing a comic for some years and now I'm finally on it! Yay!
I plan to go on with it for a long, long time so, if you like what you see, please follow it! It would make me very happy and encourages me to continue :D
I never really know what to say in these "about me" boxes so... I guess I'll be going?
'k bye!
Hi everyone! I'm finally back from these crazy last months. I'll be uploanding pages from The Path regularly now but I can't (yet) say a specific schedule (that day will eventually come!)
I'm very sorry for the huge amount of time without uploading ._. here's a pic of Kay and Coi as kids
Hi there! With page 33, I finished uploading all the pages of The Path that I've made to this day. From now on, pages here will be uploaded when I finish them, without any delay :)
At the moment I'm really busy with my final semester at University, so it will take me some time to upload things, I'm really sorry for that. Hopefully, when the academic year here is over (June/mid-June) I'll get back to a more or less regular pace!