I'm a writer, aiming to get some traction on my story. Part of the reason I'm uploading it is to get feedback, since I know that I still have a long way to go. Only problem is that my social circle is tiny, so improvement has been slow. Asking the internet for constructive criticism has never gone badly right? Ha ha...
Hi, I just write a new book for the AF Tourney, can help me to sub it too, link below, many thanks :D
Hahaha^^ There are lots of things I find fascinating, like cephalopods (if some species of squids had a longer lifespan they could take over the world for sure). Jellyfish too are amazing, they're mostly made of water. It's just incredible what nature can create and this is why I wanted magic to be a science in this world, not a mystery or easy "it's magic" plot device =D
I know what you mean. I grew up on shows about science and nature, so I guess I that's where my own fascination stemmed from. ^_^; I've always loved aquariums too, stingrays and jellyfishes happen to be a favorite of mine. I always can't help but stare at the tanks for hours when I get to visit one. Heheh, sorry, am I boring you? But I can honestly say I don't think I've ever read/heard of the idea of magic being a science. It's an interesting idea to work with, I'm sure. It does make sense; if the highest a civilization can supposedly get is through technology, then wouldn't magic in a fantasy world replace that in some way or another?
Such shows are what I miss most from not having a TV...
I can't claim having a monopole on this idea as many people had it too (Final Fantasy, the webcomic Nimona, etc) but I like how it can take so many varied shapes. Greatness is only a matter of vision, a simple idea can be made into the epic by a deep vision, as much as an inovative idea can turn ridiculous if the realization is poor. Twilight could honestly have been fabulous.
Looking at it from that angle, I should be thankful that I at least had a working TV, even if it only had one station. And it's hard to be creative, let alone have an "original" idea because someone's most likely has already done it in some form or another, and humans can't help but copy from others. Sometimes even subconsciously. So, it really does depend on if someone can twist that idea so much that it becomes it's own unique being. Using your example, the opposite of that is Twilight. It's almost scary to imagine a well written and thought-out Twilight. But when the hype first started, I thought, just from the idea, that it was something great. And later, when I was allowed to read it in middle school, at the time, I liked it a lot. -_-" When I entered high school and re-read it... I formed the new opinion that it was absolute tripe. ..... And I just wrote a mini hate rant. Sorry. ^_^;
Hahaha^^ Well, I go by the idea that everything's needed and that people like what is familiar to them. It's easier to enjoy Twilight for most people, than to enjoy books from Maupassant, Tolstoi, Victor Hugo or whatever "great writers" (seriously, some are brilliant but others are dead boring and redundant for all I read in school).
It reflects in fanfictions too: write some basic romance with basic writing quality and you'll get an audience (50 Shades of Grey...), but try to go for something deeper with more quality and the audience reduces. Most people don't want art, they just want to be entertained. And if they read something anyone could have written I think it also makes them feel safer.
I'm not for leveling things down of course, I think we should all strive to give our best, but sometimes everybody needs a break. I only saw the Twilight movies with my girlfriend at the time, and that was fine to me, it was ridiculous but I liked how the wolves looked fluffy. I think the author can be proud of her for achiving to write a full story, something not so easy, but it's regrettable for sure that publishers don't back-up more books with deeper content to make them best sellers like G.R.R Martin's ASOIAF.