hi everyone, 'tis I (that one creator who never uploads)
I come asking for your opinion on the following scenario: Person A and person B work TOGETHER on a drawing. Person A credits person B when they upload to their social media, person B wants to credit person A as well but person A refuses to tell person B the name of their account (thus B can't credit but B posts the drawing anyway) later, A requests that B take down the drawing from their account for the following reasons- person B did not credit person A, and person B did not ask permission from person A to upload the drawing...
I know this is a long post (sorry) but my question is: who is in the right here and what should the next course of action be??? (send help)
why would A do that. so they get to use it in any way they want but you cannot because they will not allow you info. that seems unfair and one sided. seems like they are being picky.
Person B is in the right. Once Person A uploads it to his social media he has given consent to it being online. Unless specifically stated that it was made just for them and both people don't want it online it's fair game.
That's kinda unreasonable of Person A? Like, how come person A can post it and credit but Person B can't even post it? If Person A didn't want Person B to post it, than Person A shouldn't either, or at least do another drawing together and Person B can post that one. What is this for though??? :0