I been working on this for a year, I thought it wouldn't take long...that was a lie. It took so long. How do animators do this. There isn't much movement other that just the eyes and mouth.
I tried uploading this on my series but Tapastic is being weird and it didn't go through.
Is anyone else getting spams from advertisement under their comment section in their series? I block at least 8 just now and they just keep coming back
Quarantined and frustrated that my college is making me take organic chemistry classes online. Other than that, I'm good. This is a very pretty picture. Makes me want to paint it.
We're supposed to start video chats next week but I think my teacher doesn't know how to so I don't know how well that will work. XD There is always a first time trying something. We should both try to paint it and do like an "art trade" but of the same scene. That would be cool.