Um, it's just sometimes I have difficulty portraying in words what's in my mind. And when I said I "may not look nice in the pic" I just meant I look almost mean xP Or you know grumpy. Oh, and I said that simply because you can't really show your feeling through words online. Thank you for the words though! Also, I would've replied faster but rl stuff took over ^_^
I can understand that^^ I think the more you write, the more you can figure out the meaning of the words and the power of grammar. I used to be really terrible at writing, my sentences barely made any sense and ouch, the typos... It's when I started to write that suddenly I grew an interest in written language and became so much better so fast. Now I feel more at ease with words than with spoken language because it gives me the time to organize my thoughts and phrase them in a meaningful way.
And never apologize for rl stuff happening! Real life first, always! ^u^
Oh yes, sorry >.< Happy Holidays to you as well lol! I love to write, however, my biggest problems are that I go on tangents and I have trouble finding the right words to express what's in my head. Especially when it's seems so clear in my head and the words fit, but as soon as I put it out (normally on paper) it seems weird and doesn't make sense like it should. But hey, like with everything, practice makes perfect ;^^ Oh. But typos I aaalways look for. I'll read over something I've written many many times to make sure I spelled something correctly or used it properly. I'm a bit of a grammar nazi and poor grammar (and spelling and punctuation) makes me cringe, literally. Oh, and I over think things. Everything. Even more when it's written because I'll go back and over analyze it or criticize something, honestly I'm my biggest critic. I'm a perfectionist when it comes to myself. Well mainly my writing and /definitely/ my art. That's why I always have trouble finishing those things. I want to fix everything and make it perfect, even though perfection is kinda impossible. *sigh* It worse because I realize it and know that's what I am/will do yet I just can seem to stop myself. Then again I've always had expectations pushed on me and that stuff just--------tangent. Again. I'll stop, before it gets any long. And thank you for understanding, I just feel bad when I'll start something and then do other things, like I'm just coming up with excuses.
I can relate to that very much, that's how it started back when I was a teen. Now I got better with words even if I still struggle sometimes. I also hunt typos and try to be the most correct I can, so I also tend to squim my text to remove the tangents and unnecessary information, so to keep only what is essential to what I mean to say.
I also understand that guilt about feeling scattered. For a long time (and still now sometimes) I wouldn't dare to tell what I was doing (story, comic, whatever) because I was afraid to disappoint if for some reason I wouldn't finish the thing. Now I feel better with this, I realized people don't care that much anyway. They have better things to do than spying on my every mistakes.