Inksgiving is coming EARLY this year! That or it's real late from last year, I have lost track, either way Inksgiving is JUST AROUND THE CORNER!
April 14th through 16th, in fact!
I am still hard at work on Book of CoL: The Arborist, Outside Cats, and Slayer of Yggdrasil. However, only one of those series will be updating when Inksgiving is going on and that's Slayer of Yggdrasil.
I'm also super busy trying to make ends meet with my comic flatting job and whatever commissions I can sell which means I haven't been able to draw the old rewards from Inksgiving 2 years ago. Sorry, everyone!
That said, I have ONE GOAL this year:
1 MILLION INK to unlock a 15 second animated book trailer.
That much ink would be about $800 total, which would give me enough time to breathe and make something fun, for once (and cover most of my car insurance bill.)
I do not believe I will come close to reaching that goal, but I'm still setting the bar that high anyway because I am super duper busy.
Check out Slayer of Yggdrasil, which will start updating again in April and donate some ink if you're game.
Thank you! I hope so too, but I won't be counting on it. My luck hasn't been that great the last few years, so I'm trying to not put all my eggs in one basket. ^_^;
Eleven over on the Tapas Discord server figured out we can put animated PNGs in our novel chapters so I was able to update Book of CoL: Recovery 02 with the original animated version of the bonus art for Part 02!
Obviously, Slayer of Yggdrasil didn't win the Action Fantasy novel contest.
But that doesn't mean I'm done with SoY.
I plan to continue writing on it as well as working on other projects, namely Book of CoL: The Arborist (aka volume 2) and Outside Cats.
All three of these stories are connected, with Slayer of Yggdrasil connected to even more books beyond them.
My plans are to work to create a buffer for SoY then start updating once I have enough chapters ready that I feel comfortable with uploading one a week while working on paying jobs (IE: Comic flatting and trying to sell commissions. may come as a surprise to you but I usually struggle to make ends meet and sell commissions. But I will persist.)
I will be making a new cover for Slayer of Yggdrasil so I can have a bit of a fresh start away from the contest once I begin updating the series again.
Please enjoy this sketch of Rebecka from 2019.
Thank you so much for your support and I hope you continue to enjoy my stories.