I will be reformatting the episodes soon! So please don't be alarmed next time you check the comic out if there's a lot of new episodes, the pages are the same I am just rearranging them.
Hi guys! Sorry that uploading has been a bit sporadic recently. Life has been happening for Izzy, so we upload when we can. Unfortunately, we'll most likely be missing this week too, but on the upside: I'm writing a book that's being hosted here on Tapas! I'm using a separate account, but it's called The Venerable Gods and the prologue is already up if you want to check it out! Thank you guys for supporting FAP, and if you follow VG, thank you for supporting that as well.
Alright, I know we said we're done with the hiatuses and junk, but Izzy and I have a big trip starting on Wednesday and we'll be gone until the 16th. That means we'll only be missing 2 pages, so it's not a huge pause in the long run! We'll be back on the 21st to introduce "Crushy" properly!