Hi there! How are you? :) I love your comic, I'm glad you decided to make this comic again. :D It's really intruging, and I can't wait for more !! xD You're doing an awesome job. Have a wonderful day! ^u^
aaaaa Illustration Art Festival is just two days away!
this is just a preview of some of the prints that I'll be selling there!
For all the peeps who happen to be in Singapore during this weekend, please do pay Lassale College of the Arts a visit and join in the fun!
Aaa Hellow! It's been a while, isn't it?
I'm so sorry for the long wait, I'm currently trying to find the best time to start working on Frost Bite's first chapter, in the midst of all the work I have!
Although, in the meantime, I'll be opening a booth in Lasalle College of The Arts, Singapore for Illustration Art Fest 2016. If you're in Singapore on 28-20th of October, come and join the party! I'll be selling some Frost Bite-related prints as well as some of my own personal works <3
More info IAF can be found on their facebook: https://www.facebook.com/illustrationartsfest/?fref=ts
Hi! I love your comic! It's really amazing and awesome! I can't wait to see what happens next. You haven't updated in a while so I was wondering how you were doing and when you would start updating the comic again. You are really doing a great job and keep up the awesome work!! I hope you have a great day! >u<
your very welcome! XD this is really cute, I really love how you draw expressions and do those colors (Grassblades quickly become one of my favorite comic on tapastic tbh bwahaha). Best wishes in the future <3