Hi everyone! In case you've been wondering about the abrupt silence, I'm a bit tied up this month finishing "Torontovka", a one-shot comic for the queer YA anthology Shout Out (WIP preview shot below!) The Kickstarter launches mid-November.
If you want to find out more, or see WIPs of the many amazing queer artists working on this project- I encourage you to check out #shoutoutcomic on the social media platform of your choice! :)
Kingdom of Sunlight will be back once the Shout Out Kickstarter is up and running (which is all too soon, oh dear...)
Hey, no problem- thanks for taking all the trouble to make this card <3 I like to browse the fresh section on Tapas to see what's out there. Occasionally I will like a few pages but realize the overall comic isn't really my thing. I hope you keep at it though!
I seem to recall recieving one of these from you already- that's alright though, thank you for taking the time! And I am enjoying the story. I'm curious to see where it leads :3
No problem x) I definitely prefer navigating Tapas and not having that arbitrary wall Webtoon creates between creators and readers. I mean, maybe in the case of a massive readership with the occasional toxic fan, I can see the appeal- but not so much in the early stages.
Yeah, I can see the reasoning (and it's one less thing for the WebToon team to worry about policing). I guess it's not really intended to be a community/social space, just a publishing platform for stories and honestly I like the simplicity of that sometimes @_@ Plus there's lots of avenues for creators to form communities outside of it. It's all good!