Heya, nice style and really like the history and how it seems will evolve, hope you get more followers, but I want to ask permission if you allow me, I could share Telescope and His Boy on Imgur, some ppl there might like your comic (only if you allow me, otherwise won't share without permission D: )
Gosh thanks so much for asking! I'm so glad you like Telescope and I really appreciate that you want to help me with my following, but I'd rather you didn't post the comic anywhere, thanks! If you really want to, you can post the poster I just made (it's just been put up on my profile! : https://d30womf5coomej.cloudfront.net/a/2d/6d095ab7-ec92-4443-9b7f-9f70e4622364.jpg) and link to the Tapastic page since it's a promotional piece I made just for this reason. Again, it means a lot to me that you would ask me first, thanks so much, but I'd rather be the one to share the comic directly.