Hello!!!! AAAAA I'm SO sorry for the wait (I ended up needing to work for way longer than I thought I would) But!!!! Sunflowers and Lavender will be back to updating regularly starting next Monday!!!!! I'm so excited to show you guys the rest of Volume One!!! thanks for reading this, see you then!!
Hiiii I recently discovered this webcomic and i love it soooo much!!! I also love how you have a lesbian muslim OC cuz I haven't seen any other than my own. I'm definitely gonna be making fanart soon because your designs are ADORABLE!!!!!!
I'd seen some of your art for this comic a while ago, but I've only found it recently and I love it! It's so incredible to feel represented so thank you! Also your art style is so cute
Hello! Just updated my Bonus Creator Program banner :) This will appear under each update instead of the previous banner from now on. Okay that's all, thanks for reading !!!