Hello! I have original inked pages available of Shipwrecked and the 13th Guest available in packs of 10 for $10 if anyone wants them! More information and contact info here: https://the13thguest.tumblr.com/post/652549285904252928/the13thguest-itstheblob-i-have-all-of-the-inked
You do not have to buy exactly ten pages, that is just a catchy way for me to phrase it
Just a note - I made a free Wix site to host my comics as a backup in case anything ever happens to them here for whatever reason, and here's where you can find that site: https://itstheblob.wixsite.com/my-site/comics
Hi everyone- I just posted another little 13th guest one-off thing. I plan to return to normal storyline updates in August. I've been experimenting with a vertical page format (like the one used used for Shipwrecked) instead of the horizontal page format I've been using- if you have a preference on page format, I made a little poll you can vote in: https://www.strawpoll.me/20693051/r
I also shared this poll to Tumblr and right now it's at a perfect tie. Having it not be tied would be helpful :')
Hey, for anyone reading this- I just saw a bunch of spam comments show up on all of my different comic episodes- I'm trying to block the accounts but there are a lot of them with randomly generated usernames. Hopefully Tapas does something, I doubt this issue is specific to me. Anyway, if I'm not able to get to all the comments: DON'T CLICK ANY LINKS POSTED BY SOMEONE WITH A STRING OF RANDOM NUMBERS AND LETTERS AS A USERNAME... in general, don't do that anyway!
EDIT: Right after I posted this and blocked the accounts I saw that Tapas posted a sitewide notification about this. Sorry if this is repeat information! I'm glad Tapas is aware of the issue.