The Big D is a weekly(ish) webcomic drawn and created by Teo Yu Siang. The comics are about university, science, and basically everything else in life.
OH MAN, I remember you being one of the first people I met when I first joined Tapastic!! it was such a nice surprise to see you featured :'D congrats! ♥
Heya Teo! Thank you so much for subscribing to Kamikaze! Thanks to you and others, we made it to the top of the Sci-fi genre today on Tapastic! I saw your comments and chatting with you was great! Looking forward to hearing more from you once those finals are taken care of! Here's hoping that you'll enjoy reading Kamikaze as much as the team loves making it! <3
Hey people! I won't be posting a new comic this week cause I've got to binge watch House of Cards.. uh I mean study for my mid-terms. New comic will be up next week! :)
Hey guys! So sorry for the delay in publishing a new webcomic! School's been pretty crazy busy :(. But to make up for it, the coming comic is a pretty long one! :D