Hello! It's Tamara here, reporting live from the cocoon of my oversized sweater. I'm 14 and I like to doodle and play guitar and read. I have just blessed you with the light of this new found knowledge.
Hi, Tamara :D
that is some good bio you have there, i envy anyone who plays guitar LOL (i wish i can buy one someday and start learning how to play it :'D)
thanks for blessing me with this generous light
and wow!
you are from Lebanon? Ya Halla then, 'am from Egypt myself :D
your comic is beautiful and your artstyle improved so much over 17 episodes (highly recommend joining the forums and get to know peeps from there, community here is really great)
keep up the great work, here.. have a dance
Sorry for the late answer but I'm so glad you liked my comic cause I absolutely loved yours :D And yeah a guitar is definitely worth saving up for, I find it keeps my creative juices flowing and it's really fun. Thanks for that epic gif, you're habibi as hell <3
Hey guys, happy Sunday!
I just need to let you know that there isn't going to be a comic this week. I usually just use any time that my brother is out of the house to use his computer to draw the week's comic, but he was sick this week and I didn't get to make anything :( Silly excuse, but it's the truth.
Anyways, I'll see you next week and hopefully I'll be able to buy a laptop of my own soon... <3 :D
Hey guys, I drew this yesterday in Arabic class and I just thought I would share. This me is just so hip.
I actually cannot go to school without my colored pencils nowadays. I mean, what if one of my doodles is just begging for that red tint that I cannot provide? I'm not weird.