Hey guys! For those of you who don't know, I have a DeviantArt account where I upload my artwork. I recently completed a bit of fanart for Lord of the Rings for all you Tolkien geeks out there, if anyone's interested. https://www.deviantart.com/t80combatmaster/art/Lord-of-the-Rings-Anime-Poster-825380606
Hey, no problem. Keep up the good work! I'm very intrigued by the idea of the story, a sci-fi with Christian elements. Kinda reminds me of CS Lewis' Space Trilogy (though I've also gotten some Babylon 5 vibes from it too :D )
Ok so I'm considering opening up a Patreon account. I thought it would be the perfect place to put all the extra stuff related not only to How Far the Journey, but also to other things as well that don't really fit in with anything else (things like maps of the world, entries about the various nations with flags and history, and also brief stories about how I came up with each of the characters). What do you guys think? Would you like something like that?
Rei: i don't have much to say either or for Patreon, but I wish you luck! Patreon is tricky and requires a lot of hard work and followers, but if you think it's a good idea, then go on ahead. ^^
I've opened a Patreon before, but it hasn't had any success, while Hana has a single Patreon. I haven't supported anyone on Patroen before, so then again, I wouldn't really know how it works, lol. ^^;
Hmm, in that case I might wait then... I've heard that it's very tricky too. Oh, tbh I didn't know Hana had a Patreon account... X'D I guess that means I just don't pay attention. Then again I haven't really been on Tapas in a few days so yeah... Well consider it two Patrons then. :)
Hana-chna: Wow! Thank you so much! Sadly with school right around the corner, i haven't been able to post new stuff on my Patreon, but hopefully, you'll see some new and interesting content real soon! Thank you so much again! It really means a lot to me! >//u//<
Oookay... Just got finished with Chapter 3, all 43 pages of it... Next chapter shouldn't be nearly as long. So while I'm waiting to have it edited, would you guys who are still out there be interested in a Q&A session?
Heya guys I have a little announcement down below. Feel free to check it out. (Finally realized where the Notification Bell was. *sigh* Technology is not my strong suit)
Okay so have a question for you guys. Would you rather have Chapter 3 uploaded after the whole thing is completed or would you rather have it uploaded in chunks as I go? I've been debating this as on the one hand you guys would see more content much more quickly. On the other hand I worry about the quality of the content, as I tend to do a lot of cutting and proofreading. What do you think?
R: I think... You can start posting once chapter 3 is completed, so that way, if you want to go back and make any changes that might alter the direction of the end story, you can be free to do so. :D We'll wait patiently for the next chapters until then; I'm sure it'll be great! ^w^