All I do on my freetime is to read comics (also manga), watch anime or Disney movies, draw comics and listen to the Rolling Stones or other classical rock bands. That's it.
Hello guys! I'll have a Q&A so now you can ask me questions and I'll answer to them later in a comic. You can send me as many questions as you like and you can get featured if you want.
Whoah! Just found my first drawing of Suskiitsu-chan! She hasn't changed at all (ok, maybe a bit but not so much) even though I drew this in 2015... xD
Hey, I desided to post my old avatar here (if you can see, I just changed it). Actually I don't even know why but whatever xD Maybe now people won't think I'm boring (this old avatar was kinda depressing, isn't it?) xD
I'm sorry for that I haven't uploaded any Suskiitsu-chans recently. The Fairy of light and the Gnome takes so much of my time (._.)
But I guess it will be worth it so be passionate! ;)