One more update for you guys. I decided that I'll stick around here and keep uploading pages since it seems things have calmed down for now, plus my next page is almost done so look forward to that.
Sorry for the lack of an update this week. Been really swamped at my job, plus computer troubles with my laptop's hard drive being on its last legs. There is also the concern of the change for Tapastic's Terms of Service(which you can read about here if you want a good explanation about it : .
This recent news has made me a bit wary about updating my comic here anymore BUT that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop updating at all. I just plan on moving elsewhere to host my comic, been considering either Tumblr or ComicFury.
I'll make sure to update you guys whenever I finish setting things up, so you can keep enjoying my comic.
Sorry for not being frequent with updates lately. My job takes up a lot of my schedule but I am going to find a way to fit more time to work on my comic more. Need find a balance and all that, haha. Thank you to all you guys for staying with me. c:
Sorry for the lack of activity. I've just been focusing on other things like finding a job, which I finally I got at Little Caesars. I have been working on pages between all this too though and I will upload them soon!