Ahoy hoy. Good news everyone, I'm all vacationed out and ready to resume updates. I already got a couple pages in the bank, so expect new updates starting this Friday!
Hey folks sorry for the radio silence. I am back from overseas and I have a little bit of a buffer completed. I'll be updating again March 3rd with weekly updates following that. See you then.
Hey gang! I'll be tabling my first big convention at SiliCon with Adam Saveage this weekend! I'll be selling the first volume of Squires for Hire along with some prints and stickers of my personal artwork. Stop by and say hi if you're in the San Jose area!
I'm still working on the next page of the comic. Hopefully I can get it done before the Con, but I still got a lot of prep work to do. I really hate making it three weeks between updates, so I'll try and get this next one done as soon as possible.
Whelp, looks like the pen on my tablet died again. Starting to be a recurring problem with this brand... But yeah, no comic this week. Ordered a new stylus but it won't arrive till sunday.
Huion Kamvas Pro 16. I have nothing against the tablet, it's a fine piece of hardware, but their pens seem to die after a year or so. Maybe some of their later products work better, who knows.
Hey Folks, sorry for the radio silence. Just wanted to let you all know that I've been working on the comic and I plan on updating again in March. I already have two pages primed with more on the way so you'll be getting a string of uninterrupted updates once I return.
Hey folks, sorry about the lack of update. I had planned to release an update on Friday but I uh... got distracted by some heavy life stuff. Specifically the passing of my father kind of stuff. Yeah...
To everyone who enjoys the comic you can thank this old goat for like 80% of its comedy. Most of my own mannerisms and sense of humor came directly from him. Imagine two Warwicks sassing each other and that's basically what a typical conversation between me and my dad was like.
I wasn't really planning on taking a winter break from the comic like I usually do, but it looks like I might indeed be going on hiatus for... not really sure how long. I'll finish up the next page and post it before I head back to the Netherlands for the funeral. I'll keep working on the comic when I find the time, so don't worry. Squires for Hire isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
To all my kickstarter backers, I'll be posting an update in tomorrow on the status of your orders.
Mine died a few Januaries ago, and someone else i just learned about. What is with January taking away all of our dads? Anyway your dad has a really cool name, and I know he's super proud of you.
Hey just a head's up the next comic is going to be a little late. I have some submissions and commissions I'm finishing up this month so it might be another week or so till the next update. If you want to see some more SFH content I've been posting some new art on my twitter, hopefully that can keep you satisfied until the next page is out. Thanks for waiting my dudes.