I've actually been reading it since day one... Untill schools started and I got a little hiatus on my reader-activity... I'm sorry for missing for so long!!! *sniff sniff*
I feel like I want to draw a girl in immense suffering, her heart being ripped out of her body, stabbed or something, crying her eyes out....
Yep! Guess I'll do it!!!!
This is the drawing that came out today. I was showing Dehaha1 how to draw with a mouse. I really hope he learnt at least a thingy~
She's creepy though isn't she?
I'd like to thank Myl, for she clearly affected me with her Self- Portaits and her zombie Prince (?) and Abs and her SFX ^^ *bow*
....................................... (actually stealing IS more my style) what i meant was: If you want the world, you have to tell the world first so you can conquer it! (wolf told me to tell the world but i don't see a reason to for i don't Want to "conquer")