hello everyone! i hope you're enjoying my $ucking roommate's shenanigans! updates are coming soon! i have about 5 pages sketched out and ready to be colored, so hang in there!
in the meantime, if you have any questions or suggestions for the nerds, please ask them here! http://shiro0shika.tumblr.com/ some of your questions or posts might make it into the comic, so be creative and have fun!
Dude, you're amazing! Love the characters, they are very funny. The page with all the pages of the first chapter was very handy by the way, you should do it with all chapters. Unless of course that creates some sort of problem with the views or whatnot so I don't know, just saying.
yeah there's a problem with tapastic not sending out notifications for followers when i post new pages in an existing chapter, which is sad because i post every few days! so i post one page at a time so everyone can be notified ^^ thanks for the encouragement! it makes my day when these silly vamps make someone happy XD
Ah, I'm sad to hear that.
Oh good god yes, they are very funny! I love how they interact with a passion/ Cecil is so done with things and who can't relate to his unwillingness to put on pants.
you know... a part of me wishes that my screen name was something so simple, and my picture was a MSPaint chick... @_@ unfortunately for me... I do not have that luxary
because the notification thing isn't working: another page is up! you better appreciate the 20 minutes it took to badly trace the house from google maps lmao