Hey everyone. I just wanted to make a quick post to apologise for the serious lack of updates, lately. Life has gotten a little busy and crazy, and I've had a serious art block for a while- not that any of that is an excuse!
I hope you all understand that sometimes life just gets in the way, and I hope you can all forgive me <3 I'll be getting back to posting soon, I promise!
Thank you all for your support, and I hope you enjoy the content that will be coming in the near future. <333
Hey there, guys! Please go give this comic some serious love! The art is amazing and the creator is clearly putting in tonnes of effort!! Go go go go!!
Sorry, Golb, sometimes life happens! Lots been going on and I haven't been able to be active. Hopefully this unannounced hiatus can be over soon and I can get back to releasing weekly episodes for you all!
Hey guys!! I'm sorry, but Thursday's update is going to have to be postponed! ;_; <3 I'll see you in Saturday's Stream and I'll have a fresh new episode out on Sunday!! Thanks for understanding!!