1 episode
Beau did not think they would return. Not since Wick stepped out onto the tracks.
A broken home sends Beau to their home city, only to be greeted by the familiar eyes of a place that wants them dead. A long string of deaths, towering giants, and wonderfully cruel voices that nobody else seem to hear. But this time they have nowhere to run; Beau has no choice but to follow the dark to a place where broken people are buried.
And, despite their effort, corpses do not always stay dead.
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Beau did not think they would return. Not since Wick stepped out onto the tracks.
A broken home sends Beau to their home city, only to be greeted by the familiar eyes of a place that wants them dead. A long string of deaths, towering giants, and wonderfully cruel voices that nobody else seem to hear. But this time they have nowhere to run; Beau has no choice but to follow the dark to a place where broken people are buried.
And, despite their effort, corpses do not always stay dead.
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