2 episodes
Humans and Beasts: two beings living together in harmony- at least, that’s how it used to be. Despite the ancient story of Sacreum describing Beasts and Humans coexisting peacefully throughout society, they live at constant odds in the modern day. When the King of Beasts threatens a war against Humans, Delaney decides it’s time to reunite Humans and Beasts once more- which is proving much more difficult than his ego led him to believe. With a less-than-interested companion and new friends who seem to share the same goal, will they be able to rally everyone together before the King of Beasts attempts to remove humans from existence? What caused Humans and Beasts to drift apart to begin with? And how does the Legend of Sacreum tie into everything? Maybe Delaney and his friends will find the answers- or maybe they’ll find that Sacreum was nothing but a fairy tale after all.
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Humans and Beasts: two beings living together in harmony- at least, that’s how it used to be. Despite the ancient story of Sacreum describing Beasts and Humans coexisting peacefully throughout society, they live at constant odds in the modern day. When the King of Beasts threatens a war against Humans, Delaney decides it’s time to reunite Humans and Beasts once more- which is proving much more difficult than his ego led him to believe. With a less-than-interested companion and new friends who seem to share the same goal, will they be able to rally everyone together before the King of Beasts attempts to remove humans from existence? What caused Humans and Beasts to drift apart to begin with? And how does the Legend of Sacreum tie into everything? Maybe Delaney and his friends will find the answers- or maybe they’ll find that Sacreum was nothing but a fairy tale after all.
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