1 episode
I've illustrated this little story a while ago for a competition but in the end I didn't make the deadline. Since it was a shoujo story full of tears nad feels i think it's perfect to share for valentines. So for everyone heartbroken and not heartbroken and still-to-be-heartbroken happy Valentines!
i blame the bad translation of everything on google.
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Hi everyone! your support here will enable me to get them energy drinks that fuel my brain to crank up some sweet romance full of tears. Any help will be very appreciated!
I've illustrated this little story a while ago for a competition but in the end I didn't make the deadline. Since it was a shoujo story full of tears nad feels i think it's perfect to share for valentines. So for everyone heartbroken and not heartbroken and still-to-be-heartbroken happy Valentines!
i blame the bad translation of everything on google.
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