7 episodes
Episode 1
Cadaver eating, peace bringers
May 24, 2015492 views
Episode 2
More, and more, and more
May 24, 2015291 views
Episode 3
His own vein's wein
May 24, 2015185 views
Episode 4
May 25, 2015164 views
Episode 5
Idiot Jack
May 29, 2015238 views
Episode 6
Fake anger
Jun 04, 2015204 views
Episode 7
Aye, sir!
Jun 11, 2015676 views
The cry of a boy, became the shout of a man. The scream of a lady became the command of a queen. The laughter of a madman kept on and on and on...
But how many voices will be heard After?
The Apocalypse approaches, the wicked leaves fall, the denial spreads, and a hero fights.
This is the story of the Last Elf, fighting for the survival of himself and his loved ones, in a World that is bond to be reborn.
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The cry of a boy, became the shout of a man. The scream of a lady became the command of a queen. The laughter of a madman kept on and on and on...
But how many voices will be heard After?
The Apocalypse approaches, the wicked leaves fall, the denial spreads, and a hero fights.
This is the story of the Last Elf, fighting for the survival of himself and his loved ones, in a World that is bond to be reborn.
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