2 episodes
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"In life, you won't always know what will happen. The future is forever changing. It never stays the same. Even I cannot always predict the things to come. But even so, when I am not here to protect from those who do not understand, You must promise me."
"Promise me, that you will love yourself. Even if the world calls you a monster, even if your friends turn against you, remember that you are no monster. You are beautiful."
"I love you"
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"In life, you won't always know what will happen. The future is forever changing. It never stays the same. Even I cannot always predict the things to come. But even so, when I am not here to protect from those who do not understand, You must promise me."
"Promise me, that you will love yourself. Even if the world calls you a monster, even if your friends turn against you, remember that you are no monster. You are beautiful."
"I love you"
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