7 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter 1- A terrible night to remember
Mar 01, 2022437 views
Episode 2
chapter 2- A fight and a police chase
Mar 01, 2022162 views
Episode 3
Chapter 3- A deal and conversation
Mar 20, 2022142 views
Episode 4
Chapter 4- flashbacks. Unexpected guests
Apr 23, 202288 views
Episode 5
Chapter 5- A new freind. Hunger
May 19, 202295 views
Episode 6
Chapter 6- My reason why, Questions
Aug 02, 202288 views
Episode 7
Chapter 7- evidence, slip ups and regrets
Dec 13, 20223 views
In the city of Pneuell, justice is a distant memory. Almost everyone is in the mob’s pocket; forcing innocent people to survive any way they can.
Detective Paws McScaggs, a black cat raised on the city streets, has a penchant for the odd or grey area cases; the cases others won’t touch.
Due to debts from his past, he’s been protecting Melody from the shadows for years.
She has no idea.
After an unfortunate incident that turns Melody’s life upside down, and seeing no other choice, he takes her in.
Now they must fight tooth and claw to bring peace to the city and take down the powerful Don Caporossa and his empire.
With every case they uncover the mob’s dark secrets.
But can they succeed in the face of overwhelming odds? Or will Don Caporossa and his men be too powerful for them to handle?
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In the city of Pneuell, justice is a distant memory. Almost everyone is in the mob’s pocket; forcing innocent people to survive any way they can.
Detective Paws McScaggs, a black cat raised on the city streets, has a penchant for the odd or grey area cases; the cases others won’t touch.
Due to debts from his past, he’s been protecting Melody from the shadows for years.
She has no idea.
After an unfortunate incident that turns Melody’s life upside down, and seeing no other choice, he takes her in.
Now they must fight tooth and claw to bring peace to the city and take down the powerful Don Caporossa and his empire.
With every case they uncover the mob’s dark secrets.
But can they succeed in the face of overwhelming odds? Or will Don Caporossa and his men be too powerful for them to handle?
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