3 episodes
Episode 1
Ep 1 (prologue)
Sep 24, 2018723 views
Episode 2
Ep 2 (prologue)
Sep 25, 2018378 views
Episode 3
Ep 3
Sep 30, 2018610 views
Zhao, is a rambunctious Yutyrannus hatchling in early cretaceous China. The runt of her litter, she’s stuck with the short end of the stick before her life has even truly begun.
She must not only survive herself with her poor odds, but keep her siblings safe as well
a choose your own adventure comic, where the readers choose her path, and influence the story. You are the key to her survival, choose wisely
There’s a ton of possible outcomes!
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Zhao, is a rambunctious Yutyrannus hatchling in early cretaceous China. The runt of her litter, she’s stuck with the short end of the stick before her life has even truly begun.
She must not only survive herself with her poor odds, but keep her siblings safe as well
a choose your own adventure comic, where the readers choose her path, and influence the story. You are the key to her survival, choose wisely
There’s a ton of possible outcomes!
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