13 episodes
Episode 1
Pop!Drop!And Roll! (Pilot) - Cover,PG 1-13
Jan 01, 201625.1k views
Episode 2
Pop!Drop!And Roll! (Pilot) - PG 14
Jan 05, 20165.5k views
Episode 3
Pop!Drop!And Roll! (Pilot) - PG 15
Jan 12, 20165k views
Episode 4
Pop!Drop!And Roll! (Pilot) - PG 16 + 17
Jan 18, 20165.6k views
Episode 5
Pop!Drop!And Roll! (Pilot) - PG 18
Jan 18, 20165.7k views
Episode 6
Pop!Drop!And Roll! (Pilot) - PG 19
Jan 19, 20165.1k views
Episode 7
Pop!Drop!And Roll! (Pilot) - PG 20
Jan 20, 20164.7k views
Episode 8
Pop!Drop!And Roll! (Pilot) - PG 21
Jan 21, 20165.2k views
Episode 9
2.8k+ Subs!
Feb 03, 20165.8k views
Episode 10
Chapter 1: Popping In (PG1-4)
Oct 23, 20164k views
Episode 11
Chapter 1: Popping In (PG5-6)
Jan 29, 20172.9k views
Episode 12
Chapter 1: Popping In (PG7-8)
Feb 22, 20172.8k views
Episode 13
Chapter 1: Popping In (PG9-13)
Apr 10, 20174.9k views
Together with their mysterious alpaca companion named Pop, Alois and Anais have been entrusted to be the keepers of a young planet both spiritually and physically while growing it using seeds called ‘World Pieces’. However, they accidentally scatter their World Pieces all over the planet.
Now they must gather all the lost World Pieces and slowly grow the world as well as make friends with the natives, learn life lessons and slay evil along the way. But they soon realize that the more they grow the world, the more complicated everything seems to get. Will their bittersweet adventure destroy them, or will they grow a little themselves?
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Hello friends,
I'm a freelance artist and comic artist struggling to create my own comics on the side because I'm poor and because I suck at time management so why not give me a million dollars?
Thanks! :D
Together with their mysterious alpaca companion named Pop, Alois and Anais have been entrusted to be the keepers of a young planet both spiritually and physically while growing it using seeds called ‘World Pieces’. However, they accidentally scatter their World Pieces all over the planet.
Now they must gather all the lost World Pieces and slowly grow the world as well as make friends with the natives, learn life lessons and slay evil along the way. But they soon realize that the more they grow the world, the more complicated everything seems to get. Will their bittersweet adventure destroy them, or will they grow a little themselves?
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Of Dark Lords and Cabbages
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Strange and Wild
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The Blue Witch
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Demon's Mirror
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