10 episodes
Episode 1
Have a Seat
Aug 21, 2021741 views
Episode 2
Corrupted Reflections
Aug 25, 2021244 views
Episode 3
Aug 28, 2021187 views
Episode 4
Person To Person
Sep 01, 2021161 views
Episode 5
A Leap of Faith
Sep 04, 2021176 views
Episode 6
Number Fourteen [1/2]
Sep 08, 2021154 views
Episode 7
Number Fourteen [2/2]
Sep 08, 2021172 views
Episode 8
House Of Horror
Sep 13, 2021177 views
Episode 9
A Walk in the Garden of Eden
Sep 16, 2021130 views
Episode 10
Reign of the Dancing Men
Sep 25, 2021127 views
Phoebe Reinhart is a good person forced to do bad things time and time again. Phoebe Reinhart is a bad person convincing herself that she's working towards the greater good. Phoebe Reinhart is a nobody trying to live a peaceful life.
Whatever Phoebe is - regardless of what others may believe, what she chooses to believe and what she actually may be - the fact remains that she is a witch. Powerful and uncontrolled, she welcomes the hunt of those who wish to destroy her. She has every reason to be confident: she can change reality to her will. And when she can't, she can twist people's own perceptions of what reality is.
Can a glass of gin house a human soul? Can your memories be tampered with? Is your body truly yours? Can one surpass even death?
Mind-bending and electric, with every chapter told through another person's eyes, this story follows Phoebe's march as she ascends to the rank of a true VILLAIN.
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Phoebe Reinhart is a good person forced to do bad things time and time again. Phoebe Reinhart is a bad person convincing herself that she's working towards the greater good. Phoebe Reinhart is a nobody trying to live a peaceful life.
Whatever Phoebe is - regardless of what others may believe, what she chooses to believe and what she actually may be - the fact remains that she is a witch. Powerful and uncontrolled, she welcomes the hunt of those who wish to destroy her. She has every reason to be confident: she can change reality to her will. And when she can't, she can twist people's own perceptions of what reality is.
Can a glass of gin house a human soul? Can your memories be tampered with? Is your body truly yours? Can one surpass even death?
Mind-bending and electric, with every chapter told through another person's eyes, this story follows Phoebe's march as she ascends to the rank of a true VILLAIN.
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