3 episodes
Episode 1
Dec 17, 2017229 views
Episode 2
Chapter one
Jan 17, 201883 views
Episode 3
Chapter two p.1
Feb 09, 2018104 views
In the world of Thresh there was a mountain village were the nature spirits and the humani depended on each other. The nature spirits protect the humani and in return the humani provide them food. But that was along time ago, now the village is gone and no one comes out of the woods alive...( I'm going to write the first 20 chapters before uploading them)
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In the world of Thresh there was a mountain village were the nature spirits and the humani depended on each other. The nature spirits protect the humani and in return the humani provide them food. But that was along time ago, now the village is gone and no one comes out of the woods alive...( I'm going to write the first 20 chapters before uploading them)
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