3 episodes
Episode 1
Enter the Witch's House
Aug 08, 20201.2k views
Episode 2
Blood Agreement
Aug 11, 2020560 views
Episode 3
A Rattle in the Night
Aug 18, 2020438 views
A witch has been cursing every girl on their wedding night from the Mount Holyoke class of 2013. The sister of a bride to-be decides to break into the witch’s house and make a deal with her to ensure her sister’s wedding is safe.
The witch agrees but only on one condition: she serves her in her house for one winter. Natalie agrees only to find that the world of witches is much more sinister and strange than she first expected.
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A witch has been cursing every girl on their wedding night from the Mount Holyoke class of 2013. The sister of a bride to-be decides to break into the witch’s house and make a deal with her to ensure her sister’s wedding is safe.
The witch agrees but only on one condition: she serves her in her house for one winter. Natalie agrees only to find that the world of witches is much more sinister and strange than she first expected.
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