2 episodes
Episode 1
Birthday Wishes: Part One
Sep 07, 2020605 views
Episode 2
Birthday Wishes: Part Two of Five
Dec 04, 2020183 views
The Lark: Birthday Wishes is a 5-part serial debuting now and then running during October.
"Birthday Wishes" follows 16-year-old Jane Robinson as she attempts to fill her father's shoes as the superhero vigilante, The Lark, on a night of terror.
Follow more of Jane's adventures in Young Offenders: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/wwc/young-offenders-a-young-adult-team-superhero-comic
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The Lark: Birthday Wishes is a 5-part serial debuting now and then running during October.
"Birthday Wishes" follows 16-year-old Jane Robinson as she attempts to fill her father's shoes as the superhero vigilante, The Lark, on a night of terror.
Follow more of Jane's adventures in Young Offenders: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/wwc/young-offenders-a-young-adult-team-superhero-comic
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