32 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter 1: Relentless Rigurd vs The Wildling of Vandemar (p1)
Sep 04, 20162.5k views
Episode 2
Chapter 1: Relentless Rigurd vs The Wildling of Vandemar (p2)
Sep 06, 20161.5k views
Episode 3
Chapter 1: Relentless Rigurd vs The Wildling of Vandemar (p3)
Sep 08, 20161.3k views
Episode 4
Chapter 1: Relentless Rigurd vs The Wildling of Vandemar (p4)
Sep 10, 20161.3k views
Episode 5
Chapter 1: Relentless Rigurd vs The Wildling of Vandemar (p5)
Sep 12, 20161.2k views
Episode 6
Chapter 1: Relentless Rigurd vs The Wildling of Vandemar (p6)
Sep 14, 20161.2k views
Episode 7
Chapter 1: Relentless Rigurd vs The Wildling of Vandemar (p7)
Sep 16, 20161.1k views
Episode 8
Chapter 1: Relentless Rigurd vs The Wildling of Vandemar (p8)
Sep 18, 20161.1k views
Episode 9
Chapter 1: Relentless Rigurd vs The Wildling of Vandemar (p9)
Sep 20, 20161.1k views
Episode 10
Chapter 1: Relentless Rigurd vs The Wildling of Vandemar (p10)
Sep 22, 20161.1k views
Episode 11
Chapter 1: Relentless Rigurd vs The Wildling of Vandemar (p11)
Sep 24, 20161.1k views
Episode 12
Chapter 1: Relentless Rigurd vs The Wildling of Vandemar (p12)
Sep 26, 20161.2k views
Episode 13
Chapter 1: Relentless Rigurd vs The Wildling of Vandemar (p13)
Sep 28, 20161.1k views
Episode 14
Chapter 1: Relentless Rigurd vs The Wildling of Vandemar (p14)
Sep 30, 20161.1k views
Episode 15
Chapter 1: Relentless Rigurd vs The Wildling of Vandemar (p15)
Oct 01, 20161.1k views
Episode 16
Chapter 1: Relentless Rigurd vs The Wildling of Vandemar (p16)
Oct 03, 20161.1k views
Episode 17
Chapter 1: Relentless Rigurd vs The Wildling of Vandemar (p17)
Oct 05, 20161.1k views
Episode 18
Chapter 1: Relentless Rigurd vs The Wildling of Vandemar (p18)
Oct 07, 20161.1k views
Episode 19
Chapter 1: Relentless Rigurd vs The Wildling of Vandemar (p19)
Oct 11, 20161.1k views
Episode 20
Chapter 1: Relentless Rigurd vs The Wildling of Vandemar (p20)
Oct 13, 20161k views
THE GRAND TOURNAMENT: The greatest contest of might and magic on the face of Auro. It's an affair that only happens once every five years, inviting the most skillful fighters, arkers, and elementalists from every corner of the Seven Realms.
The Grand Tournament is opening to all comers again, and this particular tourney promises to deliver action and excitement like none before. There's a host of new contestants, eager to take on the Champion and gain the Tournament's legendary prize—though for one particular gladiator, a different prize is sought: freedom.
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Hello! I'm the artist behind DEPRIVED: A Dark Souls Story, and I'm humbly asking for your support! Your support means I can keep producing comics work for the foreseeable future, as a full-time career. If you enjoy the stories, please consider supporting; the work I create shall continue to be available for free regardless, so there's no obligation! Please, keep an eye on DEPRIVED and my other works here as well as my website, as new updates will be coming regularly.
THE GRAND TOURNAMENT: The greatest contest of might and magic on the face of Auro. It's an affair that only happens once every five years, inviting the most skillful fighters, arkers, and elementalists from every corner of the Seven Realms.
The Grand Tournament is opening to all comers again, and this particular tourney promises to deliver action and excitement like none before. There's a host of new contestants, eager to take on the Champion and gain the Tournament's legendary prize—though for one particular gladiator, a different prize is sought: freedom.
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