It was the 17th of July and I walked into Art class with a big baggy purple and black hoodie, and a purple and black plaid skirt. My long hair was out and it had barely been brushed. I sat down in my seat and immediately Traci turned around and started talking to her friends. Not anything out of the ordinary.
"Good morning class today I will pick your partners for the upcoming project." No one cared as usual no one cares when Mr.Michaels talks.
"And before you ask... NO SWITCHING PARTNERS!" Now EVERYONE was listening. I wasn't thrilled with the idea of 'partners' I'm really not a people person but my mum did say I should 'meet new people' and 'make some friends' like that was ever going to happen and guess what she even said maybe if I talked to others more I would 'Find someone I really liked spending time with and I could start... ya know' no, I didn't know. What ever she meant probably wasn't gonna happen. But for her sake I was going to talk to people. I mean I really didn't have much of a choice.
Chapter 2. Kylea
I swear Mr. Michaels was talking for years before he told us our partners.
"Okay Sam go with Lucy. Jake go with George. Sarah go with Ella." And so on. I was just waiting for my name I heard a bunch I didn't even know and I know a lot of people like Jared, Lexi and Bob who the hell names their kid bob I mean damn poor guy. The names went on for at least 10 minutes I didn't even know how many people took art. Bit after a long time of waiting I heard my name. "Kylea go with...." I was so really hoping whoever I went with was someone who was a good artist and was smart enough for my likings.
A teacher puts a girl who sits in front of Kylea Calico together for a project. The girls do the project and become close friends. After a while they both realise they are slowly falling for each other. Kylea and Traci are both very confused but they try theirs bests to be with each other as much as possible.
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