548 episodes
Episode 1
The Munchkin and The Goon
Nov 07, 20162.7k views
Episode 2
Nov 07, 2016689 views
Episode 3
Nov 07, 2016488 views
Episode 4
Nov 07, 2016458 views
Episode 5
A Fall
Nov 07, 2016419 views
Episode 6
Mun's Aside
Nov 09, 2016445 views
Episode 7
Smallest of Kitties
Nov 09, 2016404 views
Episode 8
The Oldest of Kitties
Nov 09, 2016401 views
Episode 9
And So It Starts
Nov 09, 2016366 views
Episode 10
The Way
Nov 14, 2016360 views
Episode 11
Out of the rain
Nov 14, 2016335 views
Episode 12
Into the lair
Nov 14, 2016322 views
Episode 13
The Goon
Nov 14, 2016322 views
Episode 14
Nov 14, 2016328 views
Episode 15
Nov 17, 2016319 views
Episode 16
Silver Lining
Nov 17, 2016374 views
Episode 17
A Chance
Nov 17, 2016313 views
Episode 18
New Day
Nov 17, 2016321 views
Episode 19
No Spring Chicken
Nov 17, 2016332 views
Episode 20
That's a Lie!
Nov 17, 2016330 views
- - Updates every Monday- -
~From where do Runners come,
And where do Runners go?
The Wolpr must collect them,
To mend the world's woe.~
-This follows the events of The Munchkin and The Goon-
Two rabbit colonies, Briarae and Burroae, make war across their Firma, decimating the land and it's already dwindling resources. Little by little the Firma disintegrates as its own magic dries up. The Awlers, peace seekers with intentions to heal their dying world, sought to end the violence peacefully only to be destroyed by both factions as their war raged on.
The five remaining Awlers set out to find more magic to abate the death of their Firma, leaving war and their kin behind. Whether or not they can save it before it self-destructs, is another story. One that the ever enigmatic Wolpertinger has taken an interest in.
So, in a nutshell, I moved this comic over from another website that I started in 2014. The original comic was done with a very old (broken) tablet and most of the time I ended up using my touch screen on my laptop to finish drawing/coloring so, if you see a quality change with regards to the original TMaTG pages, that would be why.
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Salutations! I'm Syn-Cypher, author, artist, and overall mischief maker. I love creating, but moreover I love sharing what I make with all the new friends (including the ones I haven't met yet). Support means that I can more often attend to what I love most: making stories and meeting the people that read them. It is my hope that I could make comics and write books full-time (some day in the far flung future) and any support puts me closer to that goal.
I grateful for everything, for your time, your readership and for your consideration. Thank you for hearing me out!
Sincerely yours,
- - Updates every Monday- -
~From where do Runners come,
And where do Runners go?
The Wolpr must collect them,
To mend the world's woe.~
-This follows the events of The Munchkin and The Goon-
Two rabbit colonies, Briarae and Burroae, make war across their Firma, decimating the land and it's already dwindling resources. Little by little the Firma disintegrates as its own magic dries up. The Awlers, peace seekers with intentions to heal their dying world, sought to end the violence peacefully only to be destroyed by both factions as their war raged on.
The five remaining Awlers set out to find more magic to abate the death of their Firma, leaving war and their kin behind. Whether or not they can save it before it self-destructs, is another story. One that the ever enigmatic Wolpertinger has taken an interest in.
So, in a nutshell, I moved this comic over from another website that I started in 2014. The original comic was done with a very old (broken) tablet and most of the time I ended up using my touch screen on my laptop to finish drawing/coloring so, if you see a quality change with regards to the original TMaTG pages, that would be why.
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