6 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter 1:Fresh Start Part 1
Oct 15, 2023224 views
Episode 2
Chapter 1: New Start Part 2
Oct 15, 202391 views
Episode 3
Chapter 2: Alone
Oct 22, 202355 views
Episode 4
Chapter 2: Alone Pt 2
Oct 22, 202360 views
Episode 5
Chapter 3: New kid
Oct 22, 202368 views
Episode 6
Chapter 3: New Student pt 2
Oct 22, 202364 views
“I’ve always wanted a little brother.”
After divorcing the father he never met, Zareen’s mother moves his family to Azmarin Pass for a fresh start. As Azmarin adjusts to his new life in Azmarin Pass,he meets his teenage next door neighbor, Kiante. The two quickly become friends much to the displeasure of Zareen’s big brother, Tykeim. As Zareen becomes more attached to Kiante and Kiante’s family, his own family begins to fall apart. This causes Tykeim to come to the realization that Kiante is trying to break apart their family in order to steal his little brother away. However, no one believes him, leaving it up to Tykeim to save his family and his position as a big brother. How far is Kiante willing to go to make Zareen his little brother? Will Tykeim be able to stop Kiante before losing his little brother and family forever? In the end, who will be the true big brother?
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“I’ve always wanted a little brother.”
After divorcing the father he never met, Zareen’s mother moves his family to Azmarin Pass for a fresh start. As Azmarin adjusts to his new life in Azmarin Pass,he meets his teenage next door neighbor, Kiante. The two quickly become friends much to the displeasure of Zareen’s big brother, Tykeim. As Zareen becomes more attached to Kiante and Kiante’s family, his own family begins to fall apart. This causes Tykeim to come to the realization that Kiante is trying to break apart their family in order to steal his little brother away. However, no one believes him, leaving it up to Tykeim to save his family and his position as a big brother. How far is Kiante willing to go to make Zareen his little brother? Will Tykeim be able to stop Kiante before losing his little brother and family forever? In the end, who will be the true big brother?
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