4 episodes
Episode 1
Dec 27, 201815.9k views
Episode 2
Chapter 1
Jan 27, 20196.3k views
Episode 3
Chapter 2
Mar 31, 20194.1k views
Episode 4
Chapter 3
Dec 02, 20193.5k views
A more in depth version of the webcomic "Satan and Me", painted with words rather than pictures. I encourage reading the webcomic before this, but it is entirely the reader's choice.
A screw-up in a feminine hygiene factory leads to a girl accidentally summoning Satan with her period. Now Satan is stuck tending to the whims of a teenage girl.
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I'm bad at technology so I'm still trying to figure this out, but thank you to any and all who are/were kind enough to support me with words, ink, commissions, or likes if you enjoy any of my comics! I appreciate every kind thing my readers have done for me; it's had a big impact on my life, which I'll never forget or be able to properly return!
Thank you guys a lot and God bless! <3
A more in depth version of the webcomic "Satan and Me", painted with words rather than pictures. I encourage reading the webcomic before this, but it is entirely the reader's choice.
A screw-up in a feminine hygiene factory leads to a girl accidentally summoning Satan with her period. Now Satan is stuck tending to the whims of a teenage girl.
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