RyuTar, YinYuan - (Dark Wind, Icy Snow) [BL]
390 episodes
Episode 1
Dec 14, 20194k views
Episode 2
RTYY 002 - Hurt and Confusion
Dec 14, 20191.3k views
Episode 3
RTYY 003 - Rattling Chains
Dec 14, 20191k views
Episode 4
RTYY 004 - The Scream of Death
Dec 15, 2019934 views
Episode 5
RTYY 005 - A Horrible Box
Dec 15, 20191.1k views
Episode 6
RTYY 006 - The Demon General
Dec 18, 20191k views
Episode 7
RTYY 007 - The Bloody Brat that Knelt at His Feet
Dec 18, 20191k views
Episode 8
RTYY 008 - Pale Silver Wings
Dec 19, 20191k views
Episode 9
RTYY 009 - A Paper Bird
Dec 19, 2019997 views
Episode 10
RTYY 010 - How About We Kill Him?
Dec 20, 2019919 views
Episode 11
RTYY 011 – A Common Name
Dec 20, 2019917 views
Episode 12
RTYY 012 - An Impossible Command to Obey (P1)
Dec 22, 2019893 views
Episode 13
RTYY 012 - An Impossible Command to Obey (P2)
Dec 22, 2019869 views
Episode 14
RTYY 013 - A Bad Escape Attempt (P1)
Dec 22, 2019855 views
Episode 15
RTYY 013 - A Bad Escape Attempt (P2)
Dec 22, 2019839 views
Episode 16
RTYY 014 - The Dark Monster has a ... Face? (P1)
Dec 23, 2019839 views
Episode 17
RTYY 014 - The Dark Monster has a ... Face? (P2)
Dec 23, 2019820 views
Episode 18
RTYY 015 - The Scary Animal Called a Horse
Dec 23, 2019807 views
Episode 19
RTYY 016 - The Unbreakable Cycle
Dec 25, 2019748 views
Episode 20
Author’s Note: About Names and Language
Dec 25, 2019781 views
Born a fatherless bastard and with an impoverished, ravaged Province to Govern, Nox ZaiWin has more than enough on his plate.
And so yeah, the last thing he wanted was to become some Celestial's Chosen One.
And is that even a Celestial? Hasn't the brat just murdered more than one-hundred of his men with a single scream? Aren't Celestials supposed to be holy, pure beings, that abhor all forms of death and killing?
No other choice! No matter how sinful it may be, the brat must die!
Snow has lived most of his life locked in a dark room, explored and sold for his miraculous blood. There are a lot of things he does not understand about the outside world. But one thing is certain. He does not want to have anything to do with some scary dark monster. He wants to be free! And he’ll do whatever it takes to reach his goal.
And yet … Shit! Aren’t they stuck together now? Their life-lines intertwined?
Wait! If the dark monster wants him dead, that’s easy enough to solve. All he has to do is to successfully kill him first!
** Updates every Wednesday and Saturday! For more updates follow us on Patreaon - https://www.patreon.com/carpersanti ♥ **
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Hi there 😁 Thank you so much for all your love and support! 😁 It really means a lot, that you find my novel worthy of such appreciation. Feeling that my work is loved and recognized really incentives me to keep writing. I hope you keep enjoying reading all the next chapters. All the best,
Sophia C. 🥰
Born a fatherless bastard and with an impoverished, ravaged Province to Govern, Nox ZaiWin has more than enough on his plate.
And so yeah, the last thing he wanted was to become some Celestial's Chosen One.
And is that even a Celestial? Hasn't the brat just murdered more than one-hundred of his men with a single scream? Aren't Celestials supposed to be holy, pure beings, that abhor all forms of death and killing?
No other choice! No matter how sinful it may be, the brat must die!
Snow has lived most of his life locked in a dark room, explored and sold for his miraculous blood. There are a lot of things he does not understand about the outside world. But one thing is certain. He does not want to have anything to do with some scary dark monster. He wants to be free! And he’ll do whatever it takes to reach his goal.
And yet … Shit! Aren’t they stuck together now? Their life-lines intertwined?
Wait! If the dark monster wants him dead, that’s easy enough to solve. All he has to do is to successfully kill him first!
** Updates every Wednesday and Saturday! For more updates follow us on Patreaon - https://www.patreon.com/carpersanti ♥ **
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